1st TSC supports Fort Knox “Walking for 7,816+” SHARP awareness event
By Sgt. 1st Class Richard Lower
| 1st Theater Sustainment Command | October 17, 2022
The 1st Theater Sustainment Command participated in the 2022 Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention ‘Walking for 7,816+’ mile awareness event at Natcher Physical Fitness Center on Sept. 30, 2022.
“It’s about taking care of each other and doing what we can to prevent sexual assault and sexual harassment while looking for those indicators to be able to acknowledge and potentially prevent sexual harassment and assault,” said the 1st TSC’s Special Troops Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. Julio J. Reyes.
“But also, it’s about unit cohesion and creating an environment where it’s safe to report and looking after each other,” added Reyes.
According to the Department of Defense’s Fiscal Year 2021 annual report on sexual assault in the military, an estimated 8.4 percent of active-duty women and 1.5 percent of active-duty men indicated they experienced an incident of unwanted sexual contact in the year before.
“The event is named to remember the victims of the 7,816 reports of sexual assault across the Department of Defense in 2020 as well as all other survivors,” said 2022 SHARP walk coordinator Sgt. 1st Class Diondre Jenkins.
“It’s important to tell our Soldiers that no matter what, we stand with them. If we don’t support them, who will?” said Sgt. 1st Class Nichole Benavidez, the acting Sergeant Major for the 14th Human Resources Sustainment Center, and a participant in the event.
“Even if you’re not a victim, it’s important for those Soldiers who are victims to know they have your support,” added Benavidez. Blackjack Soldiers and their family members walked or ran laps for a total of 1,500 miles to raise awareness and show support to sexual assault survivors.
Runners and walkers of the 2022 SHARP "Walking for 7,816+" mile awareness event logged their hours after participating Sept. 30 in the weeklong event. Blackjack Soldiers and their family members walked or ran laps for over 1,500 miles to raise awareness and show support to sexual assault survivors.